How to analyze investment portfolio using Python, Part 2: Telegram Notifications
General Idea
In the previous part, we used TD Ameritrade API and Yahoo Finance to see the current portfolio balance and profit and compare it to S&P 500 dynamics. Now I want to set up daily notifications with these statistics, so I don’t have to run the Jupyter Notebook manually. Today we are going to build a Telegram Bot running on the Heroku platform. 🚀
Setting up Telegram Bot and Channel
First, let’s create a new Telegram Bot using @BotFather
, just write the /newbot
command in the chat and follow the instructions, more in the official documentation. In the end, @BotFather
will send you an API token. We will use it later, so save it.
Next, we need a private channel for the notifications and get its ID. Once you added a channel, go to Telegram Web, open the channel chat and copy the number between c
and _
from the URL, as in an example<CHAT ID>_9687443952281738857
Then add -100
at the beginning of your number (-100<CHAT ID>
), and that’s your ID! For public channels, use @channelusername
Python Script
We start with setting up libraries and config variables
import requests
import pandas as pd
from td.client import TDClient
import yfinance as yf
import schedule
import os
import datetime
SP500_ETF = 'VOO'
BOT_TOKEN = os.environ['TG_BOT_TOKEN']
CHANNEL_ID = os.environ['TG_CHAT_ID']
For Ameritrade data I used the script from the first part and wrapped it to functions to increase code readability.
def connect_to_TDA():
TDSession = TDClient(
return TDSession
def get_positions(TDSession):
positions = TDSession.get_accounts(account=TD_ACCOUNT, fields=['positions'])
df_positions = pd.DataFrame(positions['securitiesAccount']['positions'])
df_portfolio = (
pd.concat([df_positions.drop('instrument', axis=1), df_positions['instrument'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
.loc[lambda x: x['assetType'] == 'EQUITY']
[['symbol', 'marketValue']]
return df_portfolio
def get_transactions(TDSession, df_portfolio):
transactions = TDSession.get_transactions(account=TD_ACCOUNT, transaction_type='BUY_ONLY')
df_buys = (
.loc[lambda x: x['transactionItem.instrument.symbol'].isin(df_portfolio.symbol)]
'netAmount': 'amount',
'transactionDate': 'dt'
[['dt', 'amount']]
dt = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x['dt']),
amount = lambda x: -x['amount']
.groupby(['dt'], as_index=False)
return df_buys
def get_sp500_history(df_buys):
start = df_buys['dt'].min()
end = df_buys['dt'].max() + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Include the last day
df_sp500 = (, start=start, end=end, progress=False)
'Date': 'dt',
'Close': 'sp500_price'
[['dt', 'sp500_price']]
dt = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x['dt'])
return df_sp500
def generate_metrics(df_buys, df_sp500, df_portfolio):
df_buys_w_sp500 = (
.merge(df_sp500, how='left', on='dt')
sp500_cnt = lambda x: x['amount'] / x['sp500_price']
sp500_current = yf.Ticker(SP500_ETF).history(period='1d')['Close'][0]
open_balance = df_buys_w_sp500.amount.sum()
sp500_market_value = df_buys_w_sp500.sp500_cnt.sum() * sp500_current
portfolio_market_value = df_portfolio.marketValue.sum()
return {
'open_balance': open_balance,
'sp500_market_value': sp500_market_value,
'portfolio_market_value': portfolio_market_value,
Then we need to generate a markdown message, that we are going to send ✉️. I am sending green apple for positive profit, and a red one for negative :)
def generate_message(metrics):
profit = metrics['portfolio_market_value'] - metrics['open_balance']
profit_growth = profit / metrics['open_balance']
sp500_growth = (metrics['sp500_market_value'] - metrics['open_balance']) / metrics['open_balance']
return f"""
Balance: *${metrics['portfolio_market_value']:,.0f}*
Profit: {"🍏" if profit > 0 else "🍎"} *${profit:,.0f} ({profit_growth:,.2%})*
S&P 500: {sp500_growth:,.2%}
We will use sendMessage
endpoint in Telegram Bot API to send a message
def send_text(bot_message):
url = f'{BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage'
params = {
'chat_id': CHANNEL_ID,
'text': bot_message,
'parse_mode': 'Markdown'
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
print(f"OK: {response.json()['ok']}")
return response.json()
Here is the final function or job
def send_notification():
TDSession = connect_to_TDA()
df_portfolio = get_positions(TDSession)
df_buys = get_transactions(TDSession, df_portfolio)
df_sp500 = get_sp500_history(df_buys)
metrics = generate_metrics(df_buys, df_sp500, df_portfolio)
message = generate_message(metrics)
return send_text(message)
Finally, let’s schedule it using schedule library
# Server Timezone. Heroku default is UTC
# Checks if it's time to run
while True:
And that’s it! Here is the full code.
Running an app on Heroku
App folder
- Save your script as .py file
- Save tda_key.json file that contains Ameritrade API access and refresh tokens
- Create requirements.txt file with needed libraries and their versions
- Create runtime.txt and specify the Python version that you are using. For example, my file contains one line with
- Create Procfile without file extension, open it with any text editor and put
worker: python3 <YOUR SCRIPT NAME>.py
It will tell Heroku what to run and how.
Now we are ready to deploy! You can use both Heroku UI and the command line. I will go through the CLI example.
- Create a Heroku account. It’s free for personal use :)
- Install Heroku CLI
- Install Git
- To authorize, write in your command line
$ heroku login
- Create an app
$ heroku create <YOUR-APP-NAME>
- Add config variables
- Navigate to your App Folder and initialize a git repository
$ cd App-Folder/ $ git init $ heroku git:remote -a <YOUR-APP-NAME>
- Deploy your app
$ git add . $ git commit -am "make it better" $ git push heroku master
You can check logs from your app by this link<YOUR-APP-NAME>/logs
Yay, that’s it! Now you have a daily notifications about your investment portfolio :)